Where is my item coming from?

In order to curate the best products at the most competitive prices we source our products from small businesses, United States suppliers, Chinese suppliers and other small businesses from all over the world.

How do I contact customer service?

Email us support@truesundry.com and we will be able to assist you within 1-2 business days.

How long is shipping time?

All our products are sourced from small businesses around the world. They are custom made and are time intensive. Typically, shipping time is 5-15 business days from the date of order, if not earlier. For more details, please visit our shipping policies page.

Will my items be sent in one package?

For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you've specified combined shipping. Please keep this in mind when receiving deliveries.

If you have any other questions, please contact us immediately via email at support@truesundry.com